3 rd Year Graduation Project
Genre : Puzzle Game.
Engine : Unity.
Team Size : 17.
Duration : 6 months.
Shadow of A Dead Man is a puzzle game in which the player takes on the role of the shadow of a man who has died in a mansion and his goal is to find his body.
The Game Concept is...?
In this unique solo puzzle game set in an isometric world, players embark on a haunting journey. Following an untimely demise, your soul becomes trapped within an exposed mirror in your residence. Though you manage to break free, you find yourself transformed into a shapeless, shadowy entity, navigating the realm as a mysterious, slimy creature lurking in the shadows.

What are the Pillars of this game?
Explore the interplay of lights and shadows to forge novel pathways.
Investigate the strategic use of shadows and lights, discerning potential obstructions.
Carve out your unique route using elements in your surroundings.
Each room offers various exit possibilities, fostering diverse problem-solving approaches.
Immerse yourself in familiar domestic settings and objects, universally recognizable.
Cultivate a sense of home, providing comfort and a familiar atmosphere.
Shadows serve as secure havens, enhancing the feeling of safety.
Enjoy a relaxed gameplay experience, allowing players the leisure to solve puzzles at their own pace.

What is my involvment in this graduation project?
An outline visual effect? Really? Yes, of course!

I have created a script that generates an outline effect around any object to highlight it when you want to select it.
I wrote this script and I've set up an enumeration of several modes, OutlineAll which highlights everything, OutlineVisible which highlights the visible parts, OutlineHidden which hides the highlighting, OutlineAndSilhouette which highlights and displays a silhouette on the screen etc...
It's also possible to choose the color with which you want your object to be highlighted in your scene on Unity.

An halo for the player to represent light detection?

The halo around the player provides visual feedback on how close he is to the light.
When the player is not in the light, the alpha value of the halo is zero, and then increases as he gets closer.
UX / UI Design & Programmation

Main Menu Background

Main Menu : Settings

Main Menu : Credits
Levels Selection Menu

Reset & Unlock Levels System C# Script
In this level selection menu, which I designed and programmed, players can reset all levels by clicking on the "Reset Levels" button, except for the first level if they wish to start the game again.
In addition, I've set up a level unlocking system so that when you reach the end of each level, the script I've created will add an index place to the unlocking levels system.
Victory Screen:
When you complete a level, a victory screen appears and two buttons, one to go to the next level and the other to return to the main menu.

Feel free to read more about Shadow of A Dead Man