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1st Year Personal Project
Genre : Puzzle Game.
Constraints : Unity.
Theme : Plants vs Zombies.
Duration : 1 week.
Nemophore is a 2D puzzle/platformer game in which the player must defend his camp without him being hit by a spider. To defend his camp, he can use a variety of insects to fight the spiders, which grow stronger as the game progresses.
What is the Pitch of the Game?
Faced with the threat of spiders, insects form a coalition and prepare to defend themselves.
Each armed with their own special talents, they will fight relentlessly - that is, if you have enough nectar to make them survive long enough against the waves of enemies.

Nemophore -
Main Menu Background

Plants VS Zombies - Background

Plants VS Zombies - Gameplay
How to Play Nemophore?

This is C# Programmation for this Game? Yeah!




This script manages the logic for generating waves of enemies (spiders) in a game level. It controls when waves of enemies appear and the type of spiders that are generated.
Awake: Initializes references and states at the start of the scene. Recovers the level selected by the TransitionManager.
Called each frame, this method manages the temporal logic of waves:
- Reduces cooldown between waves.
- If a wave has ended and the game hasn't stopped, starts a new wave.
- Checks and starts the level after the initial delay.
Start: Initializes variables required for level start.
StartLevel (Level level): Initializes parameters to start wave generation for the given level.
SummonWave (UnitWave wave): Coroutine that generates spiders for a given wave.
Differentiates between fluid waves (with a delay between each spider) and standard waves (all spiders generated at the same time).
PickASpiderToSpawn(UnitWave wave): Randomly selects the type of spider to generate according to the probabilities defined in the wave.
Trailer : (Gameplay's video)
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